Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
ISBN: 0241558328
Páginas: 336

In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a humble boy, finds one of the five golden tickets that takes him to Willy Wonka's magical chocolate factory, where an unforgettable adventure unfolds.

Extracto del libro:

Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Gold Ticket from Mr Willy Wonka! Tremendous things are in store for you!

Charlie Bucket's life is about to change forever, thanks to one miraculous moment!

Willy Wonka, chocolate maker extraordinaire, has hidden five golden tickets in five ordinary bars of chocolate, and any child who finds one will get the chance to visit his incredible factory.

And Charlie has found one . . . But so have . . .

Augustus Gloop - a glutton for chocolate
Veruca Salt - a spoiled and selfish brat
Violet Beauregarde - a repulsive gum-chewer
Mike Teavee - a television fiend

With a chocolate river, delectable confectionery and mysterious Oompa Loompas, Mr Wonka's factory is the most wondrous place Charlie has ever seen.

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